Why Register ?

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Joined: Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:11 pm
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Why Register ?

Post by dhenzler »

It's important that you register for one reason. Users wish that the items they post for sale or trade be seen by as many potentially interested parties as possible. I know that more than 46 people have been regulars here, but without a continuing flow of "new blood" sellers are reluctant to post.

OBXguntrader is more than just buy sell trade. It's a place to share knowledge and experiences without the restrictive BS that so many Gun boards have. I am sickened by the "Community Standards" line of BS from Face Book. Community Standards there are comprised of users living in countries that don't know freedom.

Freedom of speech is under attack in the USA, I feel compelled to permit as much freedom as possible here. This is NOT a political platform website so please no Soap Box stuff. But please feel free to use the site to carry on your hobby interest.

And PLEASE Register so that OBXguntrader gets going... it's lagging behind pretty badly.

The founder...
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